God steers us in the way we should go,
But we sometimes overcorrect and crash.
God tells us to slow down and obey the signs,
But we often end up with speeding tickets when we don’t listen to the “suggestions”.
God provides us with seatbelts of safety,
But we sometimes believe we will be all right without putting on His protection.
God gives us useful new vehicles,
But we sometimes abuse them, trash them, take them for granted, or use them inappropriately.
God give us useful new avenues,
But sometimes we speed through them or, sadly, don’t go down them at all.
The road of life can have many twists and turns, dangers and potholes,
But it is nice to know that we have the ultimate navigator who is as close as our own hearts,
If we only let Him be our ultimate GPS and our most valuable and assurable insurance.
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