Tag: Lord

  • What You Can Do

    As I lay in bed in pain,Trying not to go insane,Envying ones who never knew,They take for granted what they can do. If they knew, would they complain?Would they live their life so vain?Sadly, I have done that too.We take for granted what we can do. I wish I could do the mundaneInstead of lying…


    Lord, teach me in the morning.Lord, teach me in the night.Lord, teach me now and always.Lord, teach me what is right. Lord, hold me in the morning.Lord, hold me in the night.Lord, hold me now and always.Lord, hold me very tight. Lord, keep me in the morning.Lord, keep me in the night.Lord, keep me now…

  • The Lord Will Provide

    Whatever our ripples, or how turns the tide,Among great tempest, the Lord will provide! In times of sorrow, and times of need,Wait on the Lord to comfort and feed. In times of sickness, and times of dread,Wait on the Lord, for He is not dead. In times of loneliness, in times of doubt,Wait on the…

  • Each Day

    Each day I wake.Each day I sleep. Each day I laugh.Each day I weep. Each day I hate.Each day I love. Each day I sink,Then rise above. Each day I hurt.Each day I heal. Each day I give.Each day I steal. Each day I teach.Each day I learn. Each day I wait,To take my turn.…

  • The Lord’s Provision Has No End

    The Lord provides in many great ways,Throughout our lives, for all or our days. He provides for us and helps us sowGood works in ways which we may never know. A smile, a hug, a friendly helloAre just a few ways we can help his love show. The Lord is the One who opens the…

  • Sinners Welcome, All enter free

    (If you don’t welcome sinners, all you have are empty pews!) I saw a sign on the church marquis. It said, “Sinners Welcome, All enter free!” But when a poor beggar stood at the church door, He was told to clean up, just a little bit more. We just swept up; you’ll dirty our floor.…