Tag: Friends

  • Nothing is Better

    Nothing is better in all the worldThan waiting arms all warm and unfurled. Nothing is better for the young or the old,To support the weak and applaud the bold. Whether to celebrate joy or to comfort sadness,To express deep feelings or to lessen the madness, Whether from cherished loved ones or from new working relations,Or…

  • The Problem with Pedestals

    They put her on a pedestalAnd there alone she stood,On such a tiny space,On such fragile wood.They praised her for the heights she reached.They praised her for her poise.Their praises grew so thunderousSoon all she heard was noise. At such heights, the air grew thin.Her breath grew hard to keep.The clouds passed by from time…

  • You Are Not Alone

    I have something for you to readIf you ever feel the need.If you’re feeling lonely and blue,Know that someone cares for you.If you’re feeling full of doubt,Know that we can work it out!Just reread this little poemAnd know that you are not alone!

  • The Lord’s Provision Has No End

    The Lord provides in many great ways,Throughout our lives, for all or our days. He provides for us and helps us sowGood works in ways which we may never know. A smile, a hug, a friendly helloAre just a few ways we can help his love show. The Lord is the One who opens the…

  • Facing Storms Together

    Facing Storms Together

    When the rain starts to pour and the wind starts to blow, Stay right beside me, I won’t let you go. Even if it should storm through the night, I’ll be right beside you to calm all your fright. Don’t worry and fret when you see lightening flash. There is nothing to fear, for this…

  • It’s Christmas!

    It’s Christmas!

    Wake up, wake up, it’s Christmas Day! Wake up, wake up, now don’t delay! There might be something under the tree, Something that you can’t wait to see. Or, there might be something in your email, Something that wasn’t delivered by snail. Or, there might be someone waiting to call, And thinking you’re sleeping decided…