Category: Inspirational
The Faith That We Hope
I prayed for healing,But it didn’t come.Why does God onlyAnswer yes to some? I prayed for protection,But it never came.Was it something I did?Was God only to blame? I don’t have an answer.I can’t explain.Buy I can’t let thatCause my faith to wain. For faith is a hopeOf what we can not see.There is always…
Off In The Distance
When you think no one’s watching,When you think no one cares,Off in the distanceThere is someone who sharesYour message, your experiences,Your actions, and your dreams;It’s not as meaninglessAs it first appears or seemsTo someone who’s watching,To someone who cares,Off in the distance,There is someone awareOf your message, your experiences,Of your actions, and your dreamsThat you…
Cause and A/Effect
What causes us to have a change of heart?What causes us to be set apart?What causes us to want to grow?What does it take for our love to show? What effects take place when we forgive?What affects the way we choose to live?What effects take place when we strive to learn?What affects the way we…
Help with Humility
Help should not be just a once in a while event,A grand show for others to see how well your time was spent.It shouldn’t be just a day set aside to feedYour conscience, but to help whenever there’s a need.Help should be offered when it’s truly needed.From genuine compassion and not from the conceited.It should…
Say Hi!Lift someone up who just might want to cry.Smile!People love to be noticed if only for a while.Cheer!Let someone know a supporter is near.Wave!Reaching out to others can often be brave.Pray!Help someone through a difficult day.
Through A Copse of Green
While hiking up on Grandfather MountainLooking through a copse of green,I spied a mama doe with her babiesWhich could barely just be seen. Sweet spotted, week old faunaSniffing the cool, fresh mountain air,While their mama stays ever alertTending them with motherly care. What a sight to have come across,Such a gentle touching scene,Up on Grandfather…
Nothing is Better
Nothing is better in all the worldThan waiting arms all warm and unfurled. Nothing is better for the young or the old,To support the weak and applaud the bold. Whether to celebrate joy or to comfort sadness,To express deep feelings or to lessen the madness, Whether from cherished loved ones or from new working relations,Or…
We Are Just Stewards
We are just stewards in this great house we live in,Made for and inherited by our Father with love.We need to take great care of what we were given,Until we move in with Him up in perfection above. Fix and mend what becomes broken.Heal and comfort dwellers who are sick.Dust and clean what becomes dirty.Restore…
Do or Say
Is there anything I can do or say that would bring back your smile?Is there anything I can do or say that would make life again worthwhile?Is there anything I can do or say that would make it more okay?Is there anything I can do or say that would give you a better day?If there…
Little By Little
Little by little you can get things done.It may not be the best, and it may not be fun.It may not go quickly, or smoothly at first,But not doing anything can be vastly worse.So, little by little, do something each day,And soon the hard tasks will be whittled away.
Green Thumb
I don’t have a green thumb. I have killed two cacti in my lifetime. But, I like to think that maybe my green thumb is with words and not greenery, although both need nurturing and can provide beauty, joy, and comfort. I’ll leave the growing of trees to God. I don’t write poems, I grow…
To Hear A Thank You
Why do you spend hoursPainting pictures to view? Why do you spend timeGiving cards that you drew? Why do you share thoughtsWriting poems to debut? Why do you share resourcesCooking a hot, savory stew? Why do you doThe things that you do?Cuz sometimes it’s delightfulTo hear a thank you! Why do you show patienceMending the…
A Village Shouldn’t Stop
It takes a village it has often been saidTo raise a child who is genuinely well-bred. But even as a child grows into an adult,They still need others to help and consult. The village shouldn’t stop just because the child isfull grown.Villagers shouldn’t ever let someone go it alone. It’s hard for someone in this…
No Buts About It
I often feel better when I am productive,But lazing around sure seems seductive. I often feel better when my food is nutritious,But a chocolate doughnut sure taste delicious. I often feel better when I get enough rest,But while binging tv, I become quite obsessed. I often feel better when I am out and social,But being…
Wishing Your Life Away
When I was little, I was always wishing for future events to hurry up and arrive. My Dad would always shake his head and say, “Your wishing your life away”. I often don’t overly look forwards to things anymore.And before you say how sad, listen.We get so caught up in future plans that might change,When…
Point of View
It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. What view do you see looking out? Sadness is in the eye of the unwanted.Disappointment is in the eye of the unappreciated.Worry is in the eye of the unprepared. What view do others see looking in? Love is in the eye of…
Take A Seat: The Greensboro Four
They just wanted coffee.They just wanted to sit.They just wanted someoneTo have to admit,That they should be treatedLike others being served,That they should shareIn what everyone deserves. But they were told,Time and time again,That those seats were reservedFor more deserving men.But day after day,They came back to tryTo sit at the counterAnd to diversify Until…
I Wish I Had Wings
There’s a desert in Maine I can’t explain.There’s a monster swimming in Lake Champlain. One man’s mosaics gave new life to Cuba.The Blue Grotto is a picturesque place to scuba. There’s a mountain in Georgia with huge faces of granite.There are craters in Idaho that look like a strange planet. A bathtub ring around draining…
Obsession With Blue
I’m obsessed with the color blueand I believe that others are too. Broncos’ stadium with an all blue turfSantorini rooftops, all blue, by the surfA make-believe village made up of blue Smurfs And the houses and alleyways in Chefchaouen,The Blue Pearl of Morocco’s man-made haven. I’m obsessed with the color blueand I believe that God…
In The Eye Of An Un
Boredom is in the eye of the unimaginative. Mediocrity is in the eye of the unindustrious. Complacency is in the eye of the unmotivated. Exacerbation is in the eye of the misunderstood. Anxiety is in the eye of the uncontented. Fear is in the eye of the unbelieving. Hate is in the eye of the…
Find It!
Photo by kylie De Guia on Unsplash Quote added by Jeannie Johnson Some people find therapy in their kitchen while baking.Some people find it on a hike they are taking. Others may find it while gardening in soils.Still others may find it on the canvas with oils. Some people find it while reading a book,far…
What It Takes
It takes many small steps to climb a great mountain.It takes many drops of water to fill a great fountain.It takes many tall trees to make a great forest.It takes many strong singers to make a great chorus.It takes many small actions to achieve a great goal.It takes many small pieces to make up a…
Without tiny steps, large mountains are never climbed.Without preparation, plans are never well timed. Without practice, pursuits are never perfected.Without investigation, truths are never detected. Without participation, goals are left undone.Without cultivation, growth can’t find the sun. Without ideas, problems are never solved.Without forgiveness, hate is never dissolved. Without peace of mind, we are never…
A Lot of Things
A lot of things that can’t be done only can’t because one hasn’t begun.A lot of things that can’t be done only can’t because it just isn’t fun.A lot of things that can’t be done only can’t because it would cost a ton.A lot of things that can’t be done only can’t because it would…
When things look very dim,God has not deserted you,But maybe you’re deserting Him. When help from above feels undetected,God has not rejected you,But maybe He’s the one that you’ve rejected. When plans seem to go astray,God has not denied you,But maybe He sees a safer way. When answers seem silent, confusing or blurred,God has not…
Just Try It!
I know you sayWhy should I pray.Just try it! You just might seeHe’ll set you free.Just try it! Free from worry, free from guilt,He’s the rock on which faith was built.Just try it! He may not take hard times away,But He’ll give you strength day by day.Just try it! It doesn’t ever have to beSome…
I Shall Not Write In Vain
Inspired by my favorite Emily Dickenson poem, VI (If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking) My poems may not always hit the right mark.They may not always create a long-lasting spark.My poems may not always bePerfectly metered, long soliloquys. But if just one of my poems reaches just one earTo lesson a sorrow or…
Let Go, Let God
Although I’m sometimes sad, I’m not without hope.It doesn’t have to end with a gun or a rope.For I know God loves me and I know He loves you too,So just hang on one more day, that’s all you need to do. Then another and another, until you begin to seeThis too shall soon pass,…
Sedgwick Pie
No matter what you believe to be right,One man had the faith and the foresightTo encircle his family’s graves facing each other,So on Judgement Day, he could again greet his brother.Instead of facing east towards the sun,They were all laid to rest facing loved ones.Concentric circles as each family member did enter,Their toes all pointed…
Keep Humble Starts Growing
Great things often start from humble beginnings.You may not see its end or collect all its winnings. A mighty oak starts from one humble seed.Saving the world starts from one noble deed. One family’s fortune starts with one lonely laith.One Nation’s providence starts with one act of faith. A brilliant idea starts from one tiny…
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Rainbow Refinement
Multiple colorsIlluminating the sky;A promise from God.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Pink Refinement
Sweat runs down my face.Not just a walk, but a race,-A cure to find- pace.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Gold Refinement
Gold rains down on me.I’ve not won the lottery.Sunshine rays are free!
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Red Refinement
Water falls to cleanse.Scrub away all of my sins.A new life begins.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Green Refinement
After morning dew,Freshly cut to grow anewUnder shades of blue.
It’s Not My Thing, But It’s Something
If you have a thing that you like to do,Do it with passion even if it’s just for you.Let no one tell you it’s not worth while,As long as it’s something that makes you smile.Let no one tell you that it’s a waste of time,Even if it fails or won’t make one dime.It’s your thing…
Worthy of the Title
Sole Survivor Game shaker Chaos maker Idol faker Trust braker Immunity taker Alliance Forsaker Jungle raker Worth: a million dollars Soul Survivor Cancer beater Death defeater Refugee greeter Holocaust fleeter Disability cheater Rehab completer Abuse depleter Worth: Priceless
Giving Thanks
We thank you Lord for family and friends.We thank you Lord that your love never ends.We thank you Lord for all you provide.We thank you Lord that you’re on our side.We thank you Lord for each November,A day set aside for us to remember.We thank you Lord, and we prayThat we will be thankful every…
Ask And Receive
When I asked You into my life,You wrote Your words upon my heart.When I asked You into my life,That’s when my life did truly start.When I asked You into my life,You remembered my sins no more.When I asked You into my life,You opened up Heaven’s door.If I had never asked You into my life,You would…
Help Me Make It
I don’t have a poem today. I don’t have very much to say. Just simply this, Lord, I pray, Help me make it through this day. I don’t have a song today. I don’t have very much to say. Maybe tomorrow, Lord, I pray. Help me make it one more day. I do have a…
Can’t Wait
I can’t wait for the dayWhen loves all I see.I can’t wait for the dayWhen everything is free. I can’t wait for the dayWhen there’s nothing to settle.I can’t wait for the dayWhen my legs are not metal. I can’t wait for the dayWhen I have enough timeTo spend forever with youAnd for you to…
Do take what you think undeserving with a thankful heart. Do give beyond what you think capable with a graceful spirit.
One Day with You
One day, I’d love to walk with youHolding hands, side by side,To run to you from far away,Our bodies to collide. One day, I’d love to stand and hugWithout holding on so tightFor fear of falling, not from wantingTo dance close with you all night. One day, I’d love to freely move,Less work for you…
By Journey’s End
The journey starts at a tender young ageChanging and progressing with each new stage.Not exactly knowing the way I must go,But knowing each mile will only help me to grow. And though sometimes scary, different than planned,I must change though, I may not understand,Just where this journey is leading me to,But I know it’s something…
Thankful and Content
I have food in my bellyAnd a roof over my head.I’m not quite healthy,But, I’m not quite dead. When my feet are sore,I love it all the more,Cause I could not evenFeel my feet before. When I feel an acheOr a sharp or dull pain,I know I’m still alive,So I can’t complain. I have friends…
This Is the Day…Easter
This is the day He rose for meAfter dying on a cross on Calvary.This is the day He rolled away stoneTo show us that we are not all alone. This is the day His task was completeAfter atoning for sin with nailed hands and nailed feet.This is the day all hopelessness was curedBecause of the…
This Is The Day…Good Friday
This is the day His hands bled for me.This is the day He was nailed to a tree.This is the day He cried in agony.This is the day that He died for me. This is the day He was buried by men.This is the day that He took away sin.This is the day not all…
Get Me Through the Day
Show me what to do Lord.Teach me what to say.Make me still and listen,To get me through the day.
That’s What Love Is
I suffer so that you don’t have to.That’s what love is.I have to help when you suffer.That’s what love is.I go when you need some space.That’s what love is.I come back when you push me away.That’s what love is.I forgive you when you are unkind.That’s what love is.I call you out when you go too…
What If…
What if the Tower of Pisa toppled over?What if somebody painted the White Cliffs of Dover?What if Mona Lisa’s smirk turned into a frown?What if Lady Liberty suddenly sank all the way down? The World would go on; nothing would change.But wouldn’t everything feel just a bit strange. What if the Christ child had never…
Peace of Mind
Take nothing for granted,Be humble and kind,Be grateful and helpful,And you’ll have peace of mind.
Time and Effort
Sometimes things happen in life to teach us important lessons,If we take the time and effort to learn them,They can become our greatest blessings.
St. Patrick’s Day Friend
Your name isn’t Patty.Your favorite color isn’t green.You’re not a little leprechaunWhich no one has ever seen. There is no pot of goldFor we can never reach the rainbows end.But the gold that’s in your heartMakes you my dearest friend.
A Greater World
A world without money where everyone chips in,A world without violence, deception, and sin,A world without bullying, slander, or hate,This would be a world that would be truly great. Let’s all do our part to make this happen!
The Cure
There is a cureBut it can’t be bought.There is a cureBut it must be taught. There is a cureWe can’t keep to our self.There is a cureWe can’t hoard on a shelf. There is a cureThat we all can find.There is a cureFor all Hunan kind. There is a cureand it’s not a fraud.Simply put,The…
Whatever Happens
God is with me through the day.God is with me through the night.I shouldn’t be afraid of anything,For whatever happens,I’ll be with my King. If I should die, I’ll be with him.If I should cry, He’ll be by me side.If I should lie, He’ll forgive me,Because His sonHas set me free.
Piano Dancing
Since my legs won’t move, I let my fingers do my dancingOver the keys, stroking and romancing. With a jump and a kick and a staccato beat,I let my fingers emulate my feet!With a slide and a stretch across the ivory,My hands just glide in all their finery.With a jig and a bounce across the…
What I long For
I long for opportunities…Not to be rich or to become noticed,But to help in any way I can.
My Foundation and My Rock
He’s my foundation and my rock,Makes me stay silent and take stock,Makes me strong, makes me strive,Makes me glad to be alive. He’s my calm against the storm,Makes me rise above the norm,Makes me content, gives me peace,His love will never cease.
Thanks, No Matter What
Thank you LordFor this day.Make my headacheGo away.I want to leave:I don’t want to stay.Help me through this,Lord, I pray.
True Endurance
For every curseThere is a blessing.For every problemThere is a cure.God helps me with everythingI have to endure.
Hope, Chances, and Opportunities
Hope for chances that bring opportunity.Take a chance on that opportunity to let hope grow.Use that opportunity, that chance, to realize your hope,Which is to give all three of these things to others.
One Of God’s Gifts To Us
It’s both flexible and strong.You really can’t go wrong.Perfect for furniture or floor.It’s really something to adore.Long and tall, thin and thick,Its more than just a pretty stick. It often has more than one hue.It’s quite a lovely sight to view.From lemon lime to dark jungle green,Its color gives off an amazing sheen.From reddish brown…
Love on Foreign Soil
I started to build aHouse on foreign land.And in my minds eyeIt was going to be grand. I brought a few friendsAnd various supplies,And soon my house stood,Lovely on the eyes. My friends enjoyed my house,Though not as much as I did.I loved it more than anyMansion, palace, or pyramid. I lived their eight months,Until…
Valentine’s Day For All
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for thoseWho expect a kiss or a red, red rose.It can be just a day for you to shareWith family and friends, to show you care.A hug, a visit, or a quick helloAre just some of the ways your love can show.So don’t be discouraged if you’ve no one to kissOn…
Words can be priceless.Words can be cheap.Words can be shallow.Words can be deep. Words can be healing.Words can cause pain.Words can question.Words can explain. Words can be silly.Words can be sincere.Words can go in one end.Then out the other ear. Words can be weapons.Words can be tools,Pondered by wise men,Dismissed by fools. Words are a…
IF Believing Is Naive
If having trust in Him is unguarded,I will be open hearted. If feeling safe from worry is unwise,Let His spirit in me rise. If feeling hope and joy is unenlightened,Let my soul be brightened. If being loved is naïve,I will believe.
This, Not That
Teach, not scold.Stand, not fold. Laugh, not taunt.Help, not haunt. Worry, not hover.Love, not smother. Preach, not condemn.Strengthen, not hem. Share, not hoard.Humble, not lord. Protect, not control.Forgive, not parole. Persuade, not bully.Indulge, not fully. Lift, not deflate.Love, not hate.
Not By Extremes
How was your day?How do you feel?If you don’t want to tell me,It’s no big deal. I’ve been better;I’ve been worse.I don’t want to rave,But, I don’t need to curse! How have you been?How is it going?I’m only asking,For I’ve no way of knowing. I’ve been up;I’ve been down.Not donning a smile,But, not wearing a…
What You Can Do
As I lay in bed in pain,Trying not to go insane,Envying ones who never knew,They take for granted what they can do. If they knew, would they complain?Would they live their life so vain?Sadly, I have done that too.We take for granted what we can do. I wish I could do the mundaneInstead of lying…
Lord, teach me in the morning.Lord, teach me in the night.Lord, teach me now and always.Lord, teach me what is right. Lord, hold me in the morning.Lord, hold me in the night.Lord, hold me now and always.Lord, hold me very tight. Lord, keep me in the morning.Lord, keep me in the night.Lord, keep me now…
Beyond the Grave
For my friends, Pat and Lillian A friend loveth at all timesEven beyond the grave.Their spirit and love continues onThough their bodies could not be saved. And even as their bodies ascend,Know this, dear friend, it’s not the end. For a friend loveth at all timesBecause of the love God gave. Just as a butterfly…
Marriage is like a house.It needs to be built on a solid, sturdy foundation.It needs repairs every now and again.And it needs to be thought of from the beginning as your forever home!
I wrote a poem today!You might not like it,But, then again, you may.It was simply a thoughtI just had to convey. I sang a song today!You might not like it,But, then again, you may.I just couldn’t containMy joy on display. I said a prayer today.You might not like it,But, then again, you mayI just wanted…
What We Won’t Need in Heaven
Deadlines and passwords,Insurance and fraud,Words we won’t needUp in heaven with God.
We are Gardeners
If we plant a seed, God will make it grow,But we must be careful with what we sow. We are the hands that were given the calling,Though sometimes our actions can be very appalling. Do we yell at it when it’s taking too long?Do we shove it aside when we don’t get along? Do we…
Plant A Seed
We can plant a seed and tend it so,But we’re not the ones who make it grow. We can give it refreshment with water and soil,But we’re not the ones that provide this spoil. We can give it light to make it thrive,But we’re not the ones that keep it alive. We can talk to…
Our Differences Make Us Special
Different isn’t a four-letter word.It’s special and makes you creative.Even through the tears and pain,It makes you strong and contemplative. It makes you see and hear and moveIn different and interesting ways,With positivity, humor, and thoughtTo guide you through your days. The deaf man who never has to hear complaints. The woman in a wheelchair…
Think of It this Way
Some people look at my chair with awe.Some people look at it with pity.The former I think inspiring.The latter I think quite shi***. My posture is quite crooked.My spine never will be straight.Some think it a cosmic tragedy,I was resigned to such a fate Everything I do is much harder,But when achieved, more satisfying too.Just…
The Lord Will Provide
Whatever our ripples, or how turns the tide,Among great tempest, the Lord will provide! In times of sorrow, and times of need,Wait on the Lord to comfort and feed. In times of sickness, and times of dread,Wait on the Lord, for He is not dead. In times of loneliness, in times of doubt,Wait on the…
Window of Life
I looked out the window,The window of life,Only to findDestruction and strife. I looked to the leftAnd what did I see?People all laughing,Laughing at me. I looked to the rightAnd what did I find?Uncaring sinners,Sinners, all kinds. But I looked toward Heaven,Happy to seeJesus, my LordSmiling at me!
The Problem with Pedestals
They put her on a pedestalAnd there alone she stood,On such a tiny space,On such fragile wood.They praised her for the heights she reached.They praised her for her poise.Their praises grew so thunderousSoon all she heard was noise. At such heights, the air grew thin.Her breath grew hard to keep.The clouds passed by from time…
Accomplishment Starts with You
Edgar GuestDescribed it best.It’s up to youTo do the thingsYou want to do.To be the bestWith the thingsYou quest. No one will tell youHow it’s done.It’s up to youTo be number one. So, if appraisal is what you hear,Be very thankful and share some cheer!But, if rejection is in the end,Be pleasant, be firm, and…
How To Be Me
How different the day would beIf my legs were not wheels,Stepping on people’s toes insteadOf running into heels. How easier the day would beTo walk instead of roll,Doing things that everyone canDo to fulfill the soul. How cleaner my whole world would beIf dirt I did not track,Keeping things from becoming soiled,That’s something I do…
When the Day Changes
How lovely is a summer’s dayWhen nothing seems amiss,When clouds are white and blossoms bloomAs if in a sun drenched kiss. But, what if something happensAnd makes you feel all wrong?The day seems long and dreary,The birds, they lose their song. What can you do to rememberHow bright the day did start?Cry a little, find…
What Makes a Wonderful Day
What makes a wonderful day?When the sun is outAnd the children can play,When there’s a nice cool breeze,And the air smells sweet,And a clear blue skyIs a wonderful treat,With a mountain near,When the weather is nice,To go camping here,When the wind is rustlingThrough the trees,And there’s a sweet smell of honeyMade by nearby bees.That’s what…
Boot Camp for Heaven
My life is boot camp for Heaven.My death a battleground for war.My soul the spoil for the victor;With Him I’ll rest for evermore. My soul will be tempted to quit.My mind will be tempted to stray.My body will thirst and hungerFor an easier, more peaceful way. My wounds and scars will heal.My body lifted when…
You Are Not Alone
I have something for you to readIf you ever feel the need.If you’re feeling lonely and blue,Know that someone cares for you.If you’re feeling full of doubt,Know that we can work it out!Just reread this little poemAnd know that you are not alone!
Greater If left Unbridled
It’s hard to take off the training wheelsWhen they’ve been supporting the bike for so long.It’s hard to see the bike wobble and sway,Hoping nothing goes terribly wrong. But if the training wheels never come off,The bike will never truly be free,To swerve and glide, skid and ride,Just how it was meant to be. Even…
Each Day
Each day I wake.Each day I sleep. Each day I laugh.Each day I weep. Each day I hate.Each day I love. Each day I sink,Then rise above. Each day I hurt.Each day I heal. Each day I give.Each day I steal. Each day I teach.Each day I learn. Each day I wait,To take my turn.…
Ask Why
Before you Complain,Ask why.If your rejected,Ask why.If someone wrongs you,Ask why.Before you act, speak, or respond,Ask why.Before you tell your child to stop asking why,Ask why! When I was little, my favorite word was “why”. I would ask my Dad many times throughout the day, “why?” He would answer every time and I learned a…
The Lord’s Provision Has No End
The Lord provides in many great ways,Throughout our lives, for all or our days. He provides for us and helps us sowGood works in ways which we may never know. A smile, a hug, a friendly helloAre just a few ways we can help his love show. The Lord is the One who opens the…
Sinners Welcome, All enter free
(If you don’t welcome sinners, all you have are empty pews!) I saw a sign on the church marquis. It said, “Sinners Welcome, All enter free!” But when a poor beggar stood at the church door, He was told to clean up, just a little bit more. We just swept up; you’ll dirty our floor.…
Facing Storms Together
When the rain starts to pour and the wind starts to blow, Stay right beside me, I won’t let you go. Even if it should storm through the night, I’ll be right beside you to calm all your fright. Don’t worry and fret when you see lightening flash. There is nothing to fear, for this…