Category: Haiku
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Rainbow Refinement
Multiple colorsIlluminating the sky;A promise from God.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Pink Refinement
Sweat runs down my face.Not just a walk, but a race,-A cure to find- pace.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Purple Refinement
Royal river NileFlowing with the crocodiles.Desert sands for miles.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Gold Refinement
Gold rains down on me.I’ve not won the lottery.Sunshine rays are free!
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Red Refinement
Water falls to cleanse.Scrub away all of my sins.A new life begins.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Blue Refinement
Morning tears are shed.Push to make it out of bed,After prayers are said.
Haiku Hues: Watercolors of Refinement – Green Refinement
After morning dew,Freshly cut to grow anewUnder shades of blue.