It takes a village it has often been said
To raise a child who is genuinely well-bred.
But even as a child grows into an adult,
They still need others to help and consult.
The village shouldn’t stop just because the child is
full grown.
Villagers shouldn’t ever let someone go it alone.
It’s hard for someone in this life to cope,
When no one takes time to teach them the ropes.
It’s hard for someone to make their own way,
Without opportunities to be on display.
It’s hard for someone if they’re not a self-starter,
And they need a partner to make things less harder.
And no one should shut the villagers out,
Without fully realizing what they could be all about.
No one will easily reach a great height,
If they stay hidden away and out of plain sight.
No one will win a standing ovation,
If they keep to themselves in isolation.
No one will ever make long lasting friends,
If they don’t go out or let others come in.
And no one will ever continue to be
A well-rounded person without community.
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