Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

On the Fourth, some may dread
The pain it causes within their head.

On the Fourth, some may tremble and hide,
Close all their windows and stay inside.

When you let your fireworks boom,
Some may have a sense of doom.

When you let your fireworks fly,
Some may fear and start to cry.

On the Fourth, you may celebrate,
But, some may suffer a different fate.

On the Fourth, you may bang and cheer,
But that is not what some want to hear.

Many enjoy all the lights and noise,
But that is not the case for some girls and boys!

So, please be respectful for sensitive ears,
And stop all the noise when midnight appears!

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2 responses to “On the Fourth”

  1. jolie Avatar

    That goes for the animals too.

    1. Yes, definitely, and those of all ages as well some sometimes.

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