Wishing Your Life Away

When I was little, I was always wishing for future events to hurry up and arrive. My Dad would always shake his head and say, “Your wishing your life away”.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

I often don’t overly look forwards to things anymore.
And before you say how sad, listen.
We get so caught up in future plans that might change,
When they do, we obsess over what we are missing.

While we’re longing for events that might suddenly change,
We might not be enjoying what’s happening today.
While planning is good, we should keep this in mind,
Instead of wishing our life away.

I plan, but always keep things in perspective
And try not to ever overly be in dismay,
If things don’t turn out the way that I’d planned,
The day can still be enjoyed in a different way.

I wish it was the weekend, I wish it was summer,
I wish it was Christmas day.
I wish it was winter so the days will be cooler
I’m wishing my life away.

Instead of just wishing for future events to arrive,
Try and enjoy what you have today.
For in wishing and longing so far ahead,
You might be wishing your life away.

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