When things look very dim,
God has not deserted you,
But maybe you’re deserting Him.
When help from above feels undetected,
God has not rejected you,
But maybe He’s the one that you’ve rejected.
When plans seem to go astray,
God has not denied you,
But maybe He sees a safer way.
When answers seem silent, confusing or blurred,
God has not ignored you,
But maybe all the noise makes Him hard to be heard.
When you’re not feeling forgiving behavior,
God has not forgotten you,
But maybe you’re forgetting the Savior.
When efforts seem to be wasted or inept,
God has not dismissed you,
But maybe He’s just waiting for you to accept.
When we think it’s too late and we just want to hide,
God never stops wanting to be on our side.
But maybe He’s waiting for us to decide.
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