Let Go, Let God

Photo by Paulo Felipe Assis on Unsplash

Although I’m sometimes sad, I’m not without hope.
It doesn’t have to end with a gun or a rope.
For I know God loves me and I know He loves you too,
So just hang on one more day, that’s all you need to do.

Then another and another, until you begin to see
This too shall soon pass, there’s no need for you to flee.
Don’t take away a chance for God to heal,
No matter how sad or hopeless you feel.

For God cannot change what’s no longer there.
So give Him a chance to show you He cares.
Ask Him in and share your troubles and grief,
And soon you will find inner peace and relief.

Shed your cleansing tears; don’t hold them at bay.
In time you’ll find, God will wipe them away.
Change will come, a light in the dark,
A new breath of life that only God can spark.

It may seem impossible or just far out of sight,
But give struggles to Him, He’ll give you the strength to fight.
It may not happen at once or suddenly overnight,
For it takes time for healing to make things alright.

Let go of your worries, anxiety, and fears.
Let God help you through the rest of your years.

Whenever you feel like the struggle’s too hard,
As I heard it once said, Let go, let God.

Whenever you feel like you have no safeguard,
Repeat to yourself, Let go, let God.

Whenever you feel all lonely and scarred,
Remember this phrase, Let go, let God.

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One response to “Let Go, Let God”

  1. Joseph Avatar

    What comfort I felt reading this.

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