Great things often start from humble beginnings.
You may not see its end or collect all its winnings.
A mighty oak starts from one humble seed.
Saving the world starts from one noble deed.
One family’s fortune starts with one lonely laith.
One Nation’s providence starts with one act of faith.
A brilliant idea starts from one tiny thought.
One gesture of peace can cause a war to not start.
But if you stop nourishing a seed that’s in the process of growing,
Thinking it’s futile because it’s not quickly growing,
Or thinking your ancestors were wasting their time,
Putting in hard work while not making a dime
Or thinking an idea will never catch on,
Because the world’s to impatient and not going along,
If you stop being kind to even those that hate,
Thinking their lost and that change is too late,
Great things may never come to fruition,
Because of one’s fear or lack of ambition.
There are many moves that one might play
that may never see the light of day.
There are many moves that one might start
Where only we will know if we took part.
But if a move toward greatness is never made
For fear of failure or not getting paid,
Great things will never have a chance to start,
Let alone keep growing till they change a heart.
We just have to keep going day by day,
Keeping faith alive and fears at bay,
Hoping that one day what we first began
Will be a benefit for someone in God’s great plan.
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