I let you tend my garden.
I thought you would do your best,
With all or your intelligence,
Over all the rest.
I trusted you with roses
And my favorite violets.
I gave this job to you
Without any doubts or regrets.
The hedges needed trimming.
The grass took special care.
The weeds had to be kept pulled
For flowers to sweeten the air.
Singing to my flowers
To make them beautiful.
Talking to them daily
Should have been enjoyable!
But, when I returned to my garden,
Aa I looked all around,
The air smelled stale and stagnant,
The birds, they made no sound.
The flowers were all drooping
With only weeds to hold them all.
The hedges had grown wild!
The grass was disturbingly tall!
Not enough attention was given
To my garden I held so dear.
It was simply all forgotten.
It has left me with a tear.
I had such plans for my garden,
For the two of us to share.
But you did not tend it wisely,
And now there is nothing there.
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