Ain’t love grand when it first begins,
Trying to avoid all kinds of sins,
Trying to hold on to what you’ve got,
Living each day with your stomach in knots,
Being together, wanting more and more,
The time apart becomes quit a chore.
Emotions you thought you could never have had,
Run wild in you, both the good and the bad.
High anxiety, love, hope, and trust-
Insecurity, jealousy, fear, and lust.
To think of the stuff you have to endure
Just to make sure your love is secure.
Roller-coaster days, heartaches and pain-
Is love really worth going insane?
The fun times you share are really worthwhile.
Remember, you both share this crazy life style.
If you measured it out on a gigantic scale,
The heaviest side would tell the tale,
How being together and sharing your love
Is certainly worth all the crap up above!
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