Growing Independence

{Written as a young teenager}

When you’re young you need tender care
And someone who will always be there,
To hold your hand on the first day of school,
To help you not fear that gigantic pool.
They’re always there for you, to decide
Which ways are best, what’s safe to ride.

And then one day, when dating starts,
And you’re the admirer of many hearts,
And things you feel ever so deeply-
The things you wish to do not weakly-
Newer challenges and older stuff-
Things that seem ever so tough-
These things will come and it’s up to you
To get things done and to see things through.

It’s nice to know there is someone behind you-
To lighten the load and to remind you.
But, you won’t always have such great supervisions.
One day you’ll have to make your own decisions.
They don’t – someday you’ll find – really want
To be, in your life, left behind.
And they shouldn’t be, but to your admittance,
You like having your own independence.

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