Each day I wake.
Each day I sleep.
Each day I laugh.
Each day I weep.
Each day I hate.
Each day I love.
Each day I sink,
Then rise above.
Each day I hurt.
Each day I heal.
Each day I give.
Each day I steal.
Each day I teach.
Each day I learn.
Each day I wait,
To take my turn.
Each day I play.
Each day I toil.
Each day I cheat.
Each day I’m loyal.
Each day I lose.
Each day I win.
Each day I try,
Hard not to sin.
Each day I find.
Each day I seek.
Each day I listen.
Each day I speak.
Each day I curse.
Each day I pray.
Thank you, Lord
For each day!
Each day we do numerous amounts of things. Some of them may be good, like helping others, teaching our children, or even winning a prize. Then, some things we do may be considered wrong and we may not even know that we are doing it, like telling a white lie, yelling at someone and hurting their feelings, or even stealing their joy by be negative. Each day we do all these things, and whether good or bad, they make up the day that God has given to us, and I am thankful for each new day and each new opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to do better tomorrow.
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