The Thing That’s Wrong with Peas

I wish peas were square,
Then they wouldn’t roll off everywhere.
They’re sweet and delicious
But the rolling’s quite vicious,
When you find most of them under your chair!

They won’t stay on your fork.
They won’t even stay on your plate.
To be mushed on the ground
Even if they’re ever found
Seems to be their inevitable fate.

Maybe there is some merit
For pairing them up with the carrot.
But it just muddles the taste.
For the pure pea to be laced,
For me, I just couldn’t bear it.

So until peas are square,
I will just have to be more aware
Of how I get them to my mouth
So they don’t all plummet south,
And I will find less of them under my chair.

One night at dinner… Sometimes an off the wall thought occurs, and you just have to let your inner silliness take over your creativity! This was a result of one of those times. Humor can always be found in the mundane and/or frustrating things of life, no matter how small, even pea size!

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