Before you Complain,
Ask why.
If your rejected,
Ask why.
If someone wrongs you,
Ask why.
Before you act, speak, or respond,
Ask why.
Before you tell your child to stop asking why,
Ask why!

When I was little, my favorite word was “why”. I would ask my Dad many times throughout the day, “why?” He would answer every time and I learned a lot of things. Most of all, that my Dad had a lot of patience!

If we stop and ask why before we act, we might learn a lot about ourselves, our situation, and how we might change attitudes in ourselves and others. For in asking why, we may discover reasons and hopefully find answers.

As for children, never stunt their curiosity about the world around them or you might just stunt their learning and growth as a human being.

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3 responses to “Ask Why”

  1. Agree!! Good reminder for today

    1. Today and always!

  2. Yes, Daddy was very patient. Thanks for the good reminder.

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