cream toy poodle puppy in bathtub

It Never Seems Quite Fair

Late at night, when the moods just right,

And the air is hot and dry,

This is the hour that I take my shower,

And never do I ask why.

Besides the fact that it’s a humanly act,

And it takes away any smell,

It’s fresh to my senses, my body it cleanses,

And it’s good to those with whom I dwell.

The droplets of water,

They soften my skin.

The shampoo runs through my hair.

The bubbles of lather,

They tickle my nose.

It just never seems quite fair.

To me, this pleasure, seems such a treasure,

But, to the dog, it seems such a chore.

Maybe that’s because the dog never does

Get any privacy anymore!

Throughout my life I have had many pets! I love animals, but they can be hard to take care of, especially when they do not want to cooperate. When I was a young adult, I had a very independent Shih Tzu who hated water and bathes. Shih Tzu dogs have long pretty hair and it often gets tangled much like my own curly hair. But unlike me, she never really warmed up to the process of grooming. My mother always helped me with her grooming, but after she died, it became harder for me to give her bathes. So I would take her to a professional. She would cower every time I took her for a ride, because she knew where that ride would end. At the doggy parlor.

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4 responses to “It Never Seems Quite Fair”

  1. Cute – That is a curious thing.

  2. Our two are the same way, but we still bathe them. If they ever sense, what we are going to do they run and we have to chase them.

    1. Good exercise!

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